Jira Integration
Below are the steps to integrate Jira with basic authentication and OAuth authentication: A. Steps to integrate Jira with Basic authentication B. Steps to integrate Jira with OAuth
Below are the steps to integrate Jira with basic authentication and OAuth authentication: A. Steps to integrate Jira with Basic authentication B. Steps to integrate Jira with OAuth
A promise is an object which can be returned synchronously from an asynchronous function. Every promise executor function should call resolve and reject function. Impact If any of the executer functions are not called, promise will not be settled and remains in its pending state. Any .then() or .catch() listeners…
Markup in Javascript is used to insert HTML elements in javascript. Impact Creating HTML elements in JS will decrease the readability & maintainability of code affecting reusability as well. This will break the basic principle i.e. separation of presentation and business logic. This will also lead to high memory consumption…
For seamless installation and execution, Embold should be installed on a clean machine/VM. Embold works with Node.js version 10.22.1. Ensure that the machine on which Embold is getting installed has no Node.js installed. To install .NET 5.0, run the following commands: wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/16.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.debsudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.debrm packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo…
Follow the above steps for upgrading standalone corona on Windows.
Below are the steps to install standalone corona on Windows: Download installer file from your Embold Account’s section > Releases tab. There will be file : corona_windows_X.X.X.X.zip . Right-click the zip folder, click Properties > General tab. In the ‘Security‘ section, if the Security button is blocked, unblock it and then proceed with the unzipping of…
Below are the steps to install BrowserStack Code Quality on Windows: Enable C# Security Checks
Following are the prerequisites for installing Code Quality on Windows: For more information, refer specifications section. Below are the pre-installation check steps: .NET Version check: PowerShell version check: Set PowerShell execution policy: Dependencies for C# language support: If the user wants C# language support for Code Quality, ensure to have: Note:
Before you upgrade Embold on Ubuntu, make sure no scans are in process and close all the browsers that are running Embold. Run the installer file. (refer installation steps). During installation, select “Reinstall / Upgrade Embold“. Select the Update option. Update is done.