Installation steps (VS marketplace)
Install the Embold plugin from the marketplace. While it is getting installed, the pop-up window is displayed as below: Embold plugin is now available in the marketplace.
Install the Embold plugin from the marketplace. While it is getting installed, the pop-up window is displayed as below: Embold plugin is now available in the marketplace.
Supported Visual Studio version: VS2019 Supported Visual Studio OS: Windows Supported Language: C#
This section helps to understand the supported code checks for Java language. Embold code checks can be enabled and disabled according to user requirement. Critical Level Issues High-Level Issues Medium Level Issues Low-Level Issues Info Level Issues
In the Embold IntelliJ plugin, the code issues are highlighted on the fly, and quick feedback is provided.This ensures that the code issues are fixed even before the code is committed. The code issues with its recommended solution can be seen under the “Embold Issues Inspector” section. For example in…
Install the Embold plugin from the IntelliJ IDEA marketplace. Embold plugin is now available at the marketplace.
Java version: 1.8+ Supported Intellij version: IntelliJ IDEA Community : 2019.3+ IntelliJ IDEA Educational: 2019.3+ IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate: 2019.3+ IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (Community Edition) Android Studio version: 4.0+ Android Studio build: 193.2252+
For more information about the execution of Coverlet integration, refer to this article. UI output of coverage through coverlet can be seen in the Coverage by components section as below: For Linux users, please check below points: There is an issue with MSBuild on Linux that affects the ability to escape…
This section will help you to integrate MSTest (.Net unit test framework) tool on your local instance. Prerequisites Assumption For more information about the execution of MSTest, refer to this article. Limitations Troubleshooting Building C# projects in Jenkins: While building the project from Jenkins, the following errors may occur: Solutions…
The steps below will guide you through the process of upgrading your license for the cloud. You can manage your account by modifying the number of users, LOC, and scans.