Using Git SSH to link repositories
Pre-requisites : Steps to link a repository using Git SSH:
Pre-requisites : Steps to link a repository using Git SSH:
BrowserStack Code Quality organises repositories into projects. One repository can be linked to multiple projects at the same time. BrowserStack Code Quality accepts following repository standards: *Currently only supported on BrowserStack Code Quality Version 1. Coming soon on Version 2( V2)
In case Embold is hosted on a local / private network you may want to make Embold available to external applications to communicate to. GitHub webhook integration is an example use case. You can use applications such as Ngrok to achieve this. To let Embold know about this configuration, you…
What is new? Embold Task insights (GTI): As the user types in a task with a title and description, GTI reads through it and identifies different sections of code that could contribute to the problem. It then suggests which developers could be the best at addressing the task. TypeScript native…
What is new? Embold Task Insights (GTI): As the user types in a task with a title and description, GTI reads through it and identifies different sections of code that could contribute to the problem. It then suggests which developers could be the best at addressing the task. Fast Scan(Beta):…
What is new? Embold will now use token based authentication instead of sessions for integration such as Jenkins plugin. Embold Quality Gates are now available in Jenkins plugin. Now you can monitor quality from within Jenkins. Code issues support for SQL through ‘SQLCheck’. Enables detection of performance issues in queries.…
Product Improvements License consumption information — New view shows available scan credit and LOC on explorer side for users. Performance improvements Bug fixes