Release date:

31, July 2020

What is new?

  • Pull Request for the cloud (Beta version). For more information, check here.
  • New C# Code Checks are:
    • Invalid Logging Class Name
    • Cross-site Request Forgery Token Validation
    • Class Implements ICloneable
    • Vulnerable Encryption Mode
    • Weak Encryption
      Get more insights of Embold’s rich C# checks here.
  • New Java Checks:
    • Disabled Spring Security CSRF
    • Security Sensitive Regular Expression
    • Resource Leak
    • Compile Regular Expressions Once
    • Initialization Of Secure Random At Method Level
    • Possible Thread Leak In Executor Service
    • Complex Regex Pattern
    • Empty Catch Block
    • Weak Cipher Algorithm      
      Get more insights of Embold’s rich Java checks here
  • API enhancements: Now you can get and update the roles of each user. Check out our rich API here for further information.
  • MISRA check: We added to our MISRA C:2012 rules and added checks for rules 5.2 and 20.7. To learn more about MISRA checks coverage, please read this article.
  • Bug Fixes

Release scope:

  • Available via installers, docker hub, and cloud.

Upgrade paths:

  • All versions from can be upgraded to 1.8.3