Release date:

09, November 2020

What is new?

  • New C++ checks added:
    • char signedness
    • fixed size memory operation
    • hidden parameter
      Read more about C++ code issues here.
  • MISRA check: We added to our MISRA C:2012 rules and added checks for rules 20.8. To learn more about MISRA checks coverage, please read this article.
  • Security Vulnerability:
    • New Java security checks added:
      • Should Not Use getRequestedSessionId API
      • Web Application Contains Main Method
      • Authenticate LDAP Connection
      • Potential Command Injection
      • Potential Path Traversal
        Get more insights into Embold’s rich Java checks here
    • We now support OWASP top 10 and CWE issues. Refer to this article for more details.
    • Our new vulnerability workflow helps you easily identify security issues.
      Supported language: Java only

Release scope:

  • Available via installers, docker hub, and cloud.

Upgrade paths:

  • All versions from can be upgraded to