Scans & Snapshots

Remote Scan Pipeline Script

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform a remote scan using a shell script within a UI pipeline. The user only needs to replace their token, URL, and repository UID to scan a remote repository.Note: The repository type must be set to remote UI Instructions: To view and…

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Overwrite default Scan Configuration

This section helps to understand how you can overwrite your scan configuration using a checked in file. Default Configuration Settings You can download default configuration settings from: Update configuration settings using embold.json To update the configuration settings, Update scan configurations from UI

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Custom extensions for C & C++

This section covers how BrowserStack Code Quality supports custom extensions for C and C++ languages. UI Scan On UI, custom extensions can be specified with Additional Options field of scan configuration page as shown below: The flag for supplying C extension is “–xc“ and for CPP is “–xcpp“.User can provide…

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Remote scanning

A remote scan is an alternate way to scan with no UI intervention. This can be done using a continuous integration toolchain, or manually via the command line. The results are then published on the UI automatically. For languages such as C or C++, a strict mode remote scan can help…

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Fast Scan (Beta)

Fast scan enables you to perform a scan only on the changed files, thus giving you a significantly fast scanning experience. Steps to enable fast scan: 1. Check Enable fast scan (beta) option from the scan pop-up. Limitations: In some circumstances such as the very first scan of a repository,…

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A snapshot represents the state of your source code at any given point in time. After every successful scan, a new snapshot is generated. While exploring various data visualisations, you can choose any snapshot to see results for that point in time. To manage snapshots, select the Snapshots option from…

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Scan configuration

The scan configuration helps you to fine-tune the scan by excluding parts of your code from the scan, uploading additional included directories or adding parser options. Scan Configuration pop-up can be opened from the repository context menu. The scan configuration pop-up is displayed. Fill the information in different fields. The…

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