1. Analysis can be done in 2 ways:
    1. Open Visual Studio and select open Project/Solution option in File-> Open Menu option OR
    2. Navigate to the solution which needs to be analysed and open the .sln file in Visual Studio.
  2. fter opening a solution, if the Embold Visual Studio Plugin was installed successfully, the user should see the “Embold” Menu in the Visual Studio Menu bar.
  3. Inside the Settings Option, select the ”Gamma” option. There are two sub-options Analysis and User Registration.

A. Analysis

  • Here a user can configure the mode of analysis.
    Analyse on Save: Checking this option would enable the user to analyse the file on every “Save” operation.
    • Scan Type
      • Full Scan: This is a fresh scan option where user can analyse the source code irrespective of any scan history.
      • Incremental Scan: This option will enable incremental analysis of a single file or set of files with reference to the previous full scan analysis. Currently, only “Full” Analysis mode is supported.
    • External Tools
      • CPP Check: For a C++ project, the user can check the CPP Check option to enable CPP Check and see the code issues in the Component Issues View inside the Visual Studio instance.
      • Clang Static Analysis: Not yet supported.
    • Logging
      • File Logging: Checking this option enables the user to get file logs as per the instance. The logs can be found at the following location: “C:UsersTestUserAppDataLocalAcellerePluginsVS”
      • Name Obfuscation: Checking this option generates obfuscated logs at the above location.

B. User Registration

  1. Corona Home Directory: Refer to the path where Corona is installed.
  2. Embold URL: The Embold URL should be given in the below format: 
    “http://emboldServer:3000”. Here “emboldServer” is the Embold Server deployed for the organization.
  3. Embold Access Token: This is a personnel access token to access Embold APIs authentically.
  4. Verify:
    1. It is mandatory to get these credentials verified by clicking on the “Verify” button. Users will get a “Verified” message on successful verification.
    2. Ensure that a valid Embold User’s Embold server instance is up before entering the credentials; else user will get the “Embold server not reachable” status as shown below.
    3. Once the user is authenticated to use the plugin, a message “Embold is ready” will be displayed to the user in the leftmost corner of the Visual Studio status bar. It will indicate that the user can now proceed with code analysis.