S1000-Use plain channel send or receive instead of single-case selectSelect statements with a single case can be replaced with a simple send or receive.//non-compliant code

select {
case x := <-ch:

//compliant code

x := <-ch
S1003-Replace call to strings.Index with strings.ContainsReplace call to strings.Index with strings.Contains//non-compliant code

if strings.Index(x, y) != -1 {}

//compliant code

if strings.Contains(x, y) {}
Functionality, Robustness
S1004-Replace call to bytes.Compare with bytes.EqualReplace call to bytes.Compare with bytes.Equal//non-compliant code

if bytes.Compare(x, y) == 0 {}

//compliant code

if bytes.Equal(x, y) {}
Functionality, Robustness
S1007-Simplify regular expression by using raw string literalRaw string literals use ` instead of " and do not support any escape sequences. This means that the backslash (\) can be used freely, without the need of escaping.

Since regular expressions have their own escape sequences, raw strings can improve their readability.
//non-compliant code

regexp.Compile("\\A(\\w+) profile: total \\d+\\n\\z")

//compliant code

regexp.Compile(`\A(\w+) profile: total \d+\n\z`)
Maintainability, Functionality
S1008-Simplify returning boolean expressionSimplify returning boolean expression//non-compliant code

if {
return true
return false

//compliant code

if {
return true
return false
S1009-Omit redundant nil check on slicesThe len function is defined for all slices, even nil ones, which have a length of zero. It is not necessary to check if a slice is not nil before checking that its length is not zero.//non-compliant code

if x != nil && len(x) != 0 {}

//compliant code

if len(x) != 0 {}
Functionality, Conceptual Integrity
S1010-Omit default slice indexWhen slicing, the second index defaults to the length of the value, making s[n:len(s)] and s[n:] equivalent.Functionality
S1011-Use a single append to concatenate two slicesUse a single append to concatenate two slices//non-compliant code

for _, e := range y {
x = append(x, e)

//compliant code

x = append(x, y...)
Functonality, Efficiency
S1016-Use a type conversion instead of manually copying struct fieldsTwo struct types with identical fields can be converted between each other. In older versions of Go, the fields had to have identical struct tags. Since Go 1.8, however, struct tags are ignored during conversions. It is thus not necessary to manually copy every field individually.//non-compliant code

var x T1
y := T2{
Field1: x.Field1,
Field2: x.Field2,

//compliant code

var x T1
y := T2(x)
Functonality, Efficiency
S1017-Replace manual trimming with strings.TrimPrefixInstead of using strings.HasPrefix and manual slicing, use the strings.TrimPrefix function. If the string doesn't start with the prefix, the original string will be returned. Using strings.TrimPrefix reduces complexity, and avoids common bugs, such as off-by-one mistakes.

//non-compliant code

if strings.HasPrefix(str, prefix) {
str = str[len(prefix):]

//compliant code

str = strings.TrimPrefix(str, prefix)

S1018-Use copy for sliding elementscopy() permits using the same source and destination slice, even with overlapping ranges. This makes it ideal for sliding elements in a slice.//non-compliant code

for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
bs[i] = bs[offset+i]

//compliant code

copy(bs[:n], bs[offset:])

S1019-Simplify make call by omitting redundant argumentsThe make function has default values for the length and capacity arguments. For channels and maps, the length defaults to zero. Additionally, for slices the capacity defaults to the length.Functionality
S1024-Replace x.Sub(time.Now()) with time.Until(x)The time.Until helper has the same effect as using x.Sub(time.Now()) but is easier to read.//non-compliant code


//compliant code


S1025-Don't use fmt.Sprintf("%s", x) unnecessarilyIn many instances, there are easier and more efficient ways of getting a value's string representation. Whenever a value's underlying type is a string already, or the type has a String method, they should be used directly.//non-compliant code

fmt.Sprintf("%s", x)
fmt.Sprintf("%s", y)
fmt.Sprintf("%s", z)

//compliant code


S1028-Simplify error construction with fmt.ErrorfSimplify error construction with fmt.Errorf//non-compliant code


//compliant code


S1030-Use bytes.Buffer.String or bytes.Buffer.Bytesbytes.Buffer has both a String and a Bytes method. It is almost never necessary to use string(buf.Bytes()) or []byte(buf.String()) – simply use the other method.

The only exception to this are map lookups. Due to a compiler optimization, m[string(buf.Bytes())] is more efficient than m[buf.String()].

S1035-Redundant call to net/http.CanonicalHeaderKey in method call on net/http.HeaderThe methods on net/http.Header, namely Add, Del, Get and Set, already canonicalize the given header name.

S1037-Elaborate way of sleepingUsing a select statement with a single case receiving from the result of time.After is a very elaborate way of sleeping that can much simpler be expressed with a simple call to time.Sleep.Functionality
S1040-Type assertion to current typeThe type assertion 'x.(SomeInterface)', when 'x' already has type 'SomeInterface', can only fail if 'x' is nil. Usually, this is left-over code from when 'x' had a different type and you can safely delete the type assertion. If you want to check that 'x' is not nil, consider being explicit and using an actual 'if x == nil' comparison instead of relying on the type assertion panicking.Functionality
SA1004-Suspiciously small untyped constant in time.SleepThe time.Sleep function takes a time.Duration as its only argument. Durations are expressed in nanoseconds. Thus, calling time.Sleep(1) will sleep for 1 nanosecond. This is a common source of bugs, as sleep functions in other languages often accept seconds or milliseconds.

The time package provides constants such as time.Second to express large durations. These can be combined with arithmetic to express arbitrary durations, for example '5 * time.Second' for 5 seconds.

If you truly meant to sleep for a tiny amount of time, use 'n * time.Nanosecond' to signal to Staticcheck that you did mean to sleep for some amount of nanoseconds.
SA1006-Printf with dynamic first argument and no further argumentsPrintf with dynamic first argument and no further arguments Using fmt.Printf with a dynamic first argument can lead to unexpected output. The first argument is a format string, where certain character combinations have special meaning.Robustness
SA1008-Non-canonical key in http.Header mapKeys in http.Header maps are canonical, meaning they follow a specific combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Methods such as http.Header.Add and http.Header.Del convert inputs into this canonical form before manipulating the map.

When manipulating http.Header maps directly, as opposed to using the provided methods, care should be taken to stick to canonical form in order to avoid inconsistencies.
//non-compliant code

h := http.Header{}
h["etag"] = []string{"1234"}
h.Add("etag", "5678")

//compliant code

h := http.CanonicalHeaderKey{}
h["etag"] = []string{"1234"}
h.Add("etag", "5678")

SA1012-A nil context.Context is being passed to a function, consider using context.TODO insteadA nil context.Context is being passed to a function, consider using context.TODO insteadMaintainability
SA1015-Using time.Tick in a way that will leak. Consider using time.NewTicker, and only use time.Tick in tests, commands and endless functionsUsing time.Tick in a way that will leak. Consider using time.NewTicker, and only use time.Tick in tests, commands and endless functionsRobustness
SA1016-Trapping a signal that cannot be trappedNot all signals can be intercepted by a process. Speficially, on UNIX-like systems, the syscall.SIGKILL and syscall.SIGSTOP signals are never passed to the process, but instead handled directly by the kernel. It is therefore pointless to try and handle these signals.Functionality
SA1017-Channels used with os/signal.Notify should be bufferedThe os/signal package uses non-blocking channel sends when delivering signals. If the receiving end of the channel isn't ready and the channel is either unbuffered or full, the signal will be dropped. To avoid missing signals, the channel should be buffered and of the appropriate size. For a channel used for notification of just one signal value, a buffer of size 1 is sufficient.Maintainability, Efficiency
SA1019-Using a deprecated function, variable, constant or fieldUsing a deprecated function, variable, constant or fieldMaintainability
SA1024-A string cutset contains duplicate charactersThe strings.TrimLeft and strings.TrimRight functions take cutsets, not prefixes. A cutset is treated as a set of characters to remove from a string. For example,

strings.TrimLeft("42133word", "1234"))
will result in the string "word" – any characters that are 1, 2, 3 or 4 are cut from the left of the string.

In order to remove one string from another, use strings.TrimPrefix instead.

SA1025-It is not possible to use (*time.Timer).Reset's return value correctlyIt is not possible to use (*time.Timer).Reset's return value correctlyFuctionality, Robustness
SA1028-sort.Slice can only be used on slicesThe first argument of sort.Slice must be a slice.Functionality
SA2001-Empty critical section, did you mean to defer the unlock?Empty critical sections of the kind

are very often a typo, and the following was intended instead:

defer mu.Unlock()
Do note that sometimes empty critical sections can be useful, as a form of signaling to wait on another goroutine. Many times, there are simpler ways of achieving the same effect. When that isn't the case, the code should be amply commented to avoid confusion. Combining such comments with a //lint:ignore directive can be used to suppress this rare false positive.
SA3001-Assigning to b.N in benchmarks distorts the resultsThe testing package dynamically sets b.N to improve the reliability of benchmarks and uses it in computations to determine the duration of a single operation. Benchmark code must not alter b.N as this would falsify results.

SA4004-The loop exits unconditionally after one iterationThe loop exits unconditionally after one iterationFunctionality
SA4006-A value assigned to a variable is never read before being overwritten. Forgotten error check or dead code?A value assigned to a variable is never read before being overwritten. Forgotten error check or dead code?Conceptual Integrity
SA4008-The variable in the loop condition never changes, are you incrementing the wrong variable?The variable in the loop condition never changes, are you incrementing the wrong variable?Conceptual Integrity
SA4009-A function argument is overwritten before its first useA function argument is overwritten before its first useConceptual Integrity
SA4010-The result of append will never be observed anywhereThe result of append will never be observed anywhereConceptual Integrity
SA4011-Break statement with no effect. Did you mean to break out of an outer loop?Break statement with no effect. Did you mean to break out of an outer loop?Conceptual Integrity
SA5000-Assignment to nil mapAssignment to nil mapif len(slice) < 0 {
fmt.Println("unreachable code")
Functionality, Conceptual Integrity
SA5001-Defering Close before checking for a possible errorDefering Close before checking for a possible errorConceptual Integrity
SA5004-for { select { ... with an empty default branch spinsfor { select { ... with an empty default branch spinsConceptual Integrity
SA5012-Passing odd-sized slice to function expecting even sizeSome functions that take slices as parameters expect the slices to have an even number of elements. Often, these functions treat elements in a slice as pairs. For example, strings.NewReplacer takes pairs of old and new strings, and calling it with an odd number of elements would be an error.Robustness
SA6000-Using regexp.Match or related in a loop, should use regexp.CompileUsing regexp.Match or related in a loop, should use regexp.CompileCOnceptual INtegrity
SA6001-Missing an optimization opportunity when indexing maps by byte slicesMap keys must be comparable, which precludes the use of byte slices. This usually leads to using string keys and converting byte slices to strings. Normally, a conversion of a byte slice to a string needs to copy the data and causes allocations. The compiler, however, recognizes m[string(b)] and uses the data of b directly, without copying it, because it knows that the data can't change during the map lookup. //non-comliant code

k := string(b)

//compliant code

Functionality, Conceptual Integrity
SA6003-Converting a string to a slice of runes before ranging over itYou may want to loop over the runes in a string. Instead of converting the string to a slice of runes and looping over that, you can loop over the string itself.//non-comliant code

for _, r := range s {}

//compliant code

for _, r := range []rune(s) {}
SA9002-Using a non-octal os.FileMode that looks like it was meant to be in octal.Using a non-octal os.FileMode that looks like it was meant to be in octal.Maintainability
SA9005-Trying to marshal a struct with no public fields nor custom marshalingThe encoding/json and encoding/xml packages only operate on exported fields in structs, not unexported ones. It is usually an error to try to (un)marshal structs that only consist of unexported fields.

This check will not flag calls involving types that define custom marshaling behavior, e.g. via MarshalJSON methods. It will also not flag empty structs.
Conceptual Integrity, Functionality
SA9006-Dubious bit shifting of a fixed size integer valueBit shifting a value past its size will always clear the value.

For instance:

v := int8(42)
v >>= 8
will always result in 0.

This check flags bit shifiting operations on fixed size integer values only. That is, int, uint and uintptr are never flagged to avoid potential false positives in somewhat exotic but valid bit twiddling tricks:

// Clear any value above 32 bits if integers are more than 32 bits.
func f(i int) int {
v := i >> 32
v = v << 32
return i-v
ST1008-A function's error value should be its last return valueA function's error value should be its last return value.Functionality
ST1016-Use consistent method receiver namesUse consistent method receiver namesFunctionality
ST1019-Importing the same package multiple timesGo allows importing the same package multiple times, as long as different import aliases are being used. That is, the following bit of code is valid:

import (

fumpt "fmt"
format "fmt"
_ "fmt"
However, this is very rarely done on purpose. Usually, it is a sign of code that got refactored, accidentally adding duplicate import statements. It is also a rarely known feature, which may contribute to confusion.