What if my code size exceeds the licensed limit?

In short, any attempts to scan will fail. The good news is, there are some simple ways to fix this:

  • Upgrade your license
  • Configure your repository to only scan a portion of your code
  • Remove unused repositories to free up space

If you need support to configure your repository, don’t hesitate to contact us.

What languages does BrowserStack Code Quality support?

BrowserStack Code Quality’s four-vector analysis (Code Metrics, Anti-patterns, Duplication, and Code Issues) is made possible through a blend of our proprietary, state-of-the art BrowserStack Code Quality analyzer as well as external open-source tools.

Don’t see your language on the list? Contact us

LanguageVersionCode IssuesMetrics Anti-patternsDocker SupportWindows Support
Java1.0 - 15.0Browserstack Standards: 80
PMD : 270
SpotBugs : 447
C99Browserstack Standards: 523
CppCheck : 584
C++98, 14, 11Browserstack Standards: 523
CppCheck : 584
C#.Net FW 2.0 - 7.0, .Net Core 1.0Browserstack Standards: 87
Microsoft Security Codescan: 31
Objective-C2.0Browserstack Standards: 501818YesYes
TypeScript2.0 - 4.8TSLint : 2291818YesNo
JavaScriptES5, ES6Browserstack Standards : 3
JSHint : 164
ESLint : 569
Python3.0PYLint : 445
Bandit : 69
Dlint: 38
GoGOMetaLinter : 53
Gosec : 30
Staticcheck : 149
KotlinDetekt : 109
MobSF: 23
SoliditySolium : 283YesNo
SQLSQLCheck : 293YesYes
Swift (Cloud only)Swiftlint : 1543NoNo
RubyBrakeman : 353YesNo
ApexPMDApex: 463YesYes
HTMLhtmlhint: 263YesNo
CSSstylelint: 48 3YesNo
Infrastructure 2.0.654checkov : 6053YesNo
How long does an analysis take?

The duration of an analysis depends on several factors such as programming language, lines of code, hosting servers, and whether it’s the first scan or an incremental scan. See the table below for some baseline calculations based on our cloud-hosted version:

Java & C
Lines of Code Time (in minutes)
10,000 3–5
100,000 5–8
300,000 20–25