New Languages

  • PHP — Embold now supports PHP through two static code analyzers, PHPMD and PHPCS. PHPMD (PHP Mess Detector) is a code checker tool for the PHP programming language. It takes a given PHP source code and looks for several potential problems within that source including Possible bugs, Suboptimal code, Overcomplicated expressions, Unused parameters, methods, properties, etc. PHPCS is a code checker tool for the PHP programming language. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. Embold offers support for MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, Zend, and Squiz coding standards.
  • Go —  Embold now supports Go through the Go Meta Linter static code analyzer. Gometalinter is a code checker tool for the Go programming language. It executes many linters in parallel while normalizing the results and rearranging them for ease of use. Embold offers support for errcheck, gocyclo, golint, gotype, ineffassign, structcheck, and vet.

New Anti-Patterns

  • Support has been added for 8 new anti-patterns for the C/C++ language.

New Code Checkers

  • MISRA code checker — MISRA C is a set of software development guidelines for the C programming language developed by MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association). Its aims are to facilitate code safety, security, portability and reliability. Embold supports MISRA C:2012 and is integrated with CPPCheck.

New Views & Feature improvements:

  • File explorer — It’s now easier to track down  and view code issues, design issues, and metrics on the file level.
  • Remote Scans — Simplified workflow for remote scans.
  • Chat support — Live chat has been integrated with the Embold application! Get answers to all your questions quickly.
  • New distribution method — Windows and Linux Docker

Product Improvements

  • Performance optimizations on issues and repository list views
  • Minor design updates and usability improvements
  • Bug fixes