Log Level Info In Catch BlockThe catch block handles exception that occurs in associated try block. In this block, the logger level is expected to be as "error". This is a good list describing the log levels :
1. Debug : Used for development and testing.
2. Information : Used to output information that is useful to run and manage your system.
3. Warning : Used for handled 'exceptions' or other important log events.
4. Error : Used to log all unhandled exceptions. This is typically logged inside a catch block at the boundary of your application.
5. Fatal : Used for special exceptions/conditions where it is imperative that we can quickly pick out these events.
Non-compliant code:
class Demo {
public void process1() {
try {
//statements where exceptions may occur
} catch(Exception ex) {"some information",ex);

Compliant code:
class Demo {
public void process2() {
try {
//statements where exceptions may occur
} catch(Exception ex) {
logger.error("some information",ex);
Non Thread Safe Field DeclarationA field declared inside the spring component should be thread safe. By default, beans in spring are singleton. Multiple threads accessing the same component may produce inconsistent results, if they access fields declared globally.Non-compliant code:
class Demo {
public class LoggingClass extends BaseChecker {
private Map map = new HashMap();
void modifyMap(){

Compliant code:
class Demo {
public class LoggingClass extends BaseChecker {
void modifyMap(){
Map map = new HashMap();
