The below table will provide you with insight into currently supported Java security checks.

Sr. NoSupported Rules
1CWE-352 : Do not disable spring security's CSRF
2CWE-359 : Avoid logging of application sensitive data
3CWE- 624: Regex pattern coming as input (method parameter, web request attribute, etc.)
4CWE- 459: Close the resources in finally block
5CWE- 404: Close the resources in finally block
6CWE- 330: Secure Random should not initialize in method
7CWE- 327: Use a stronger cipher algorithm
8CWE- 833: Avoid using Thread.sleep() in a synchronized block or method
9CWE- 820: Non-private field accessed in synchronized block indicates possibly partial synchronization
10CWE- 521: Use password while creating database connection.
11CWE- 78: Potential Command Injection
12CWE- 521: LDAP connections should be authenticated
13CWE- 489: Web applications should not have a \"main\" method
14CWE- 807: HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId() should not be used
15CWE- 22: Potential Path Traversal
16CWE- 312: Accessing Android external storage is security-sensitive
17CWE- 20: Accessing Android external storage is security-sensitive
18CWE- 502:Using unsafe Jackson deserialization configuration is security-sensitive
19CWE- 15: Setting JavaBean properties is security-sensitive
20CWE- 572: Do not call run() method directly
21CWE- 586: RunFinalizersOnExit Should Not Be Called
22CWE- 579: Non Serializable In Session
23CWE- 500: Public Static Field Should Be Final
24CWE- 585: Empty Synchronized Block
25CWE- 584: Return In Finally Block
26CWE- 586: Explicit Call To Finalize