1. Download file from your Embold Account’s section > Releases tab > Plugins >IDE > eclipse. There will be file with a name similar to the following:  site.zip.
  2. Extract zip file at any location
    For e.g : /Users/admin/Embold/Site
  3. Go to “Help” -> “Install new software”
  4. Click on “Add” button
  5. Click on local button.
  6. Browse parent dir of extracted zip.
  7. Click on Add.
  8. Check the “Embold Eclipse Feature”
  9. Accept ‘Terms and conditions’
  10. Finish and Restart Eclipse
  11. Enable the Embold Analysis tool in the menu bar (After restarting Eclipse): Go to Window -> Preferences > Embold settings.
  12. Configuration setup and authentication process:
    1. Set Embold Home path and fill Embold credentials for authentication.
      Embold Home path should refer to the path where corona was installed.
      e.g. D:/GammaHome/corona/
    2. Contact the administrator to get Embold the URL.
    3. Enter the Embold Authentication Token.
    4. Validate the Embold credentials and click on ‘Apply and close’ button.
  13. After authentication, Go to Embold Settings > Scan Configuration option. Select language and modules to run (e.g. CPPCheck for CPP).
  14. Click on Embold analysis icon from the menu bar to run analysis.