Make sure you have docker id and necessary permission to Embold Technologies docker repository.

To create a docker hub account follow the below steps:

  1. Visit to signup up to the Docker Hub.
  2. Enter the Docker Id, email address and password.
  3. Click Sign up.
  4. A verification link is sent to your registered email address.
  5. After verifying your email address, you can log in to the Docker Hub.
  6. To obtain the access for Embold repositories contact our support team at

Steps to run docker compose:

  1. Contact our support team at to obtain the docker-compose.yml file.
  2. Copy docker-compose.yml to local drive for e.g. /home/{user}/docker
  3. Run the below command:
    docker login
    Note: Login with user ID and password.
    mkdir -p /home/${USER}/docker/data -p /home/${USER}/docker/psql_data -p /home/${USER}/docker/logs
  4. Run below command:
    docker-compose up -d
    It will pull all the images from docker hub and then provide access to Embold service.
  5. You can access Embold at http://localhost:3000/.
  6. Use these steps to activate Embold.
After running docker-compose up -d command it approximately takes a minute to access Embold through browser.