ArithmeticExpressionsMustDeclarePrecedenceThis statement contains a complex arithmetic expression which omits parenthesis around operationsNon-complaint Code:

int x = 5 + y * b / 6 % z – 2;

Complaint Code:

int x = 5 + (y * ((b / 6) % z)) – 2;
This rule is intended to increase the readability and maintainability of this type of code, and to reduce the risk of introducing bugs later, by forcing the developer to insert parenthesis to explicitly declare the operator precedence.
AvoidExceptionsInsideStaticConstructorsIf any exception is thrown from within a static constructor, the type is unusable for the lifetime of the programCause:
Static constructor are called before the first time a class is used but the caller doesn’t control when exactly.
The exception is thrown in this context force callers to use ‘try’ block around any usage of the class and should be avoided.

Non-complaint Code:

public class MyClass
static MyClass()
throw new System.Exception(“error message”);

Complaint Code:

public class MyClass
static MyClass()
ConditionalExpressionsMustDeclarePrecedenceA C# statement contains a complex conditional expression which omits parenthesis around operationsCause:
This rule is intended to increase the readability and maintainability of this type of code, and to reduce the risk of introducing bugs later, by forcing the developer to insert parenthesis to explicitly declare the operator precedence.

Non-Complaint Code:

if (x || y && z && a || b)

Complaint Code:

if ((x || y) && z && (a || b))
if (x || (y && z && a) || b)

Inserting parenthesis makes the code more obvious and easy to understand and removes the need for the reader to make assumptions about the code.
EmptyCatchBlockAn empty catch block suppress all errors and shouldn’t be usedAnalyzability
RegexExpressionIsIncorrectThe regular expression is invalid and will fail at run-timeCause:
The regular expression pattern is invalid and will fail at run-time.

Non-complaint Code:

string input = “/content/Somefile.cs”;
Match match1 = Regex.Match(input, @”content/-z0-9-]+).a$”);

Complaint code:

string input = “/content/Somefile.cs”;
Match match = Regex.Match(input, @”content/([A-Za-z0-9-]+).cs$”);
VirtualMethodCalledOnConstructorIf you make a virtual method call in a constructor, and it is not the most derived type in its inheritance hierarchy, then it might be called on a class whose constructor has not been runNon-complaint Code:

public class VirtualMethodOnConstructorTests
public VirtualMethodOnConstructorTests(string foo)
public virtual void DoFoo(string foo)


There are 2 options:
1. This problem can be mitigated by marking the class as sealed to ensure that it is the most derived type in the inheritance hierarchy – in which case it is perfectly safe to call the virtual method.
2. Remove the call from the constructor.
VulnerableEncryptionSecure the encryption mode by combining Cipher Block Chaining with an authenticity check (HMAC-SHA256 for example) on the cipher text.Example For Issue Occurrence:
AesManaged aes = new AesManaged
KeySize = 128,
BlockSize = 128,
Mode = CipherMode.ECB, // Noncompliant
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
WeakEncryptionWeak encryption algorithms provide very less security and insufficient protection for sensitive data hence its recommended to use a more secure encryption algorithm, such as AES.Non-complaint Code:
using (var tripleDES = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()) //Noncompliant

Complaint Code:
AesManaged aes = new AesManaged
KeySize = 128,
BlockSize = 128,
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7