Rule Description KPI URL
badConstructor The “Bad constructor” error is thrown when JSLint or JSHint encounters the new operator followed by a literal value. Maintainability
earlyProgramEnd “Unexpected early end of program. This error is thrown when JSHint encounters missing closing paranthesis in a given piece of code.Consider the following example : console.log(“”January””.substring(//0,3); In this example ends of statement is commented out, which will potentially cause the problem. Why do I get this error? This error is raised to highlight a fatal JavaScript syntax error. Your code will not run unless you fix this issue.” Maintainability  
invalidRegularExpression Invalid regular expression. Maintainability  
missingClosingParenthesis “Missing ‘}’ to match ‘{‘ from line {a}. This error is thrown when JSHint encounters missing closing ‘}’ paranthesis in a given piece of code. Why do I get this error? This error is raised to highlight a fatal JavaScript syntax error. Your code will not run if you do not fix this error. “ Accuracy  
missingClosingBracket “Missing ‘]’ to match ‘[‘ from line {a}. This error is thrown when JSHint encounters missing closing ‘}’ paranthesis in a given piece of code. Why do I get this error? This error is raised to highlight a fatal JavaScript syntax error. Your code will not run if you do not fix this error. “ Accuracy  
expectedIdentifier Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘{a}’. Maintainability