Integrating issue tracking systems

You can integrate issue tracking system such as Jira and Redmine with BrowserStack Code Quality. This will enable users to create tickets / tasks on your issue tracking system directly from BrowserStack Code Quality.

BrowserStack Code Quality uses issue tracking information for recommendations and risk calculation as well.

Steps to integrate Jira or Redmine with BrowserStack Code Quality:

  1. Select the Issue tracking integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. Fill the form in Issue Tracking Integration pop-up. Select applicable issue tracking platform (such as Jira). Click Save button.
  3. You may use the same Issue Tracking Integration pop-up to update or remove issue tracking integration.

Jira Integration

Below are the steps to integrate Jira with basic authentication and OAuth authentication:

A. Steps to integrate Jira with Basic authentication

  1. Select the Issue tracker Integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. In Issue Tracker Integration pop-up, by default Basic Authentication is displayed from the Authentication type dropdown list.
  3. Enter your username and generate the Atlassian API token. For more information, refer to this article.
  4. Mention your Host URL and Project Key.
  5. Click the Save button to add the JIRA account successfully.
API tokens are used for basic authentication as Jira has deprecated the use of passwords. Password-based authentication will work for older versions of Jira only.

Jira has introduced PAT for Jira on-premise version 8.14 and later. BrowserStack Code Quality is in process of adding support for login using PAT.

BrowserStack Code Quality works with Jira cloud (all versions) and Jira on-premise version 8.13 and below.

B. Steps to integrate Jira with OAuth

  1. Select the Issue tracking Integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. In Issue Tracking Integration pop-up, select OAuth Authentication from the Authentication type dropdown list.
  3. Generate Atlassian Consumer Key. For more information, refer to this article.
  4. Generate Atlassian Private Key. For more information, refer to this article.
  5. Mention your Host URL and Project Key.
  6. Click the Verify button.
  7. A new tab will be opened. Click on the Allow button to get access to the verification code.
  8. Copy the verification code and paste in the “Verification Code” text box manually.
Note: If the user stays idle for sometime, token gets expired.

Redmine Integration

Below are the steps to integrate Redmine with basic authentication:

  1. Select the Issue tracker integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. In Issue Tracker Integration pop-up, there are 2 ways to integrate Redmine in BrowserStack Code Quality:
    1. Enter the API Key. You can generate an API key by referring below steps:
      1. Login to the Redmine platform. Go to Administration > Settings > API tab.
      2. Tick 2 checkboxes to enable Rest API service and JSON support.
      3. Go to My account > Click on the ‘Show‘ button. Copy this API access key and paste it manually in the Issue Tracker Integration pop-up window > “API Key” textbox.
    2. Enter your username or password.
  3. Mention your Host URL and Project Identifier.
  4. Click the Save button to add the Redmine account successfully.
Redmine issue tracking integration supports recommendation engine only.

GitHub Integration

Below are the steps to integrate GitHub with the existing account and OAuth:

  1. Select the Issue tracker integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. In Issue Tracker Integration pop-up, select the platform as GitHub, there will be 2 options:
    1. Existing Authentication
    2. OAuth Authentication 
  3. Existing Authentication will be by default selected option. This will state that your GitHub account is already linked with the repository.
  4. If you do not want to go with existing authentication, tick the checkbox for OAuth Authentication.
  5. Generate Atlassian Client ID Key. For more information, refer to this article.
  6. Generate Atlassian Client Secret Key. For more information, refer to this article.
     Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL should match where BrowserStack Code Quality is hosted. (E.g.
  7. Mention your Repository URL. (For E.g.
  8. Click on Authorize Access button.
  9. A new tab will be opened. Copy the verification code and paste in the “Verification Code” text box manually.
     Note: All the other fields are disabled.
  10. Click the Verify button to add the GitHub account successfully.
 Note:  GitHub issues integration is currently limited to Recommendation Engine related features. Task integration and risk calculation will be supportd at a later point in time.

Azure DevOps Integration

Below are the steps to integrate Azure DevOps with the existing account:

  1. Select the Issue tracker integration option from the repository context menu of the desired repository.
  2. In Issue Tracker Integration pop-up, select the platform as Azure DevOps.
  3. By default, Basic Authentication is displayed. Existing Authentication will be by default selected option. This will state that your Azure DevOps account is already linked with the repository.
  4. Click the Save button to add the Azure DevOps account successfully.
1. BrowserStack Code Quality currently supports basic authentication and not OAuth authentication.
2. Azure Dev Ops supports host type as cloud only.
3. Azure Dev Ops supports Version control account.


You can create tasks from issues detected by BrowserStack Code Quality to track them and fix them. You may create tasks on BrowserStack Code Quality using built-in tasks feature or on an integrated issue tracking system such as Jira.

Step to create a task:

  1. Go to Project and open your desired repository. The Tasks can be accessed from the Component Explorer present at the top navigation bar next to the Issues tab.
  2. The right-side navigation pane has various filters such as : Platform, Sort By, Criticality, Type, Status.
  3. Reset or Update” button is available to users for filtering the data.
  4. Tasks can be created from the Tasks page or Issues page. On the tasks page, click the New Task button. Or on the issues page, click +Task button on any of the issues.
  5. A new task pop-up window is displayed. Tasks can be created for BrowserStack Code Quality, Jira or Azure DevOps.
  6. Fill in the form details.
  7. When the user clicks on the “Create Task” button, the newly created task will be listed on the Tasks page.
 Note: On the Issues page, when user clicks on +Task, in New Task pop-up window, some data is auto-populated.
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