Viewing Tags Grouped by Tag Categories

  1. Navigate to the Issue List: Go to the Issue List section in your repository.
  2. Grouped Tags: You will see the Tags grouped into the new Tag Categories you created. This allows for better organization and easier navigation.

Filtering by Tag Categories

  1. Filter by Tag Category:
    • You can filter the Issue List by selecting an entire Tag Category, such as CVE or GHSA.
    • This simplifies the process by allowing you to view all issues under a specific category instead of selecting individual Tags.

Configuration Scope

  1. Global Configuration:
    • The Tag Categories configuration is available at a global level.
    • This means that issues across all repositories with matching Tags will be mapped to the configured Tag Categories.

User Options for Filtering

  1. Filter by Tag: Users have the option to filter the Issue List by selecting individual Tags.
  2. Filter by Tag Category: Users can also select a Tag Category to filter out the issue list, allowing for broader or more specific filtering as needed.