Repositories are the storage containers for your source code. Most of today’s repositories are stored using services like Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. (view a full list of supported services here). In order to analyze any code on Embold, a repository must first be linked.

Steps to link a repository:

Inside your new project (Apache), click Link Repositories.

You should now see a popup with a series of forms representing the information Embold needs to link and scan a repository. (Some of your fields may differ from the ones presented, these are dependant on the account and/or repository type chosen).

Set the Account Type:

As the name suggests, here’s where you set the type of version control account your repository is stored on (example: Git, Bitbucket, TFS, Zip, SVN, etc.). Currently, free, open source Embold accounts are limited to public GitHub repositories only.

If not already selected, set Account/Repository Type to Git.

Get the Repository URL:

Since the project we want to analyze is hosted on Github, we’ll need to use its URL to access it. We can do this by going to the project page and copying the link that is displayed when clicking on the button Clone or download.

Alternatively, copy and paste the Github URL into the field, “URL”:

Enter the Username and Password:

As mentioned, whether certain fields are required or not is based on the type of account and/or repository.
In this tutorial, we are analyzing a public repository. Hence, we don’t need to enter a username and password.
However, keep in mind that these fields would be required if we were trying to analyze a private repository.

If presented with the username and password fields, leave these blank.

Name the Repository:

This mandatory field helps give you and your teammates a good indication of what’s inside. Often, the best practice is to mirror the name that is otherwise given to the repository. In this case, Commons-Text.

In the field Repository Name, type Commons-Text.

Set the Language:

In order for Embold to properly analyze a repository, it needs to know which language it was written in. This is easily set via the dropdown in the popup.
Set Language to Java.

Click Link Repository.
You just linked your first repository!