Release Notes


Release date: 04, January 2021 What is new? MISRA checks: Full support for MISRA C: 2012 standard (140/143 checks). Read more.We have added 2 new checks to our MISRA C:2012 standard MISRA-C2012-8.7  MISRA-C2012-5.6 MISRA-C2012-1.1 – increased the coverage by adding a few more cases  New C/Cpp checks:We have added 2 new C/Cpp checks…

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Release date: 05, January 2021 What is new? MISRA checks: Supporting MISRA C: 2012 standard (135/143 checks). Read more.We have added 2 new checks to our MISRA C:2012 standard MISRA-C2012-8.7  MISRA-C2012-5.6 MISRA-C2012-1.1 – increased the coverage by adding a few more cases  New checks:We have added 2 new C/Cpp checks to our already…

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Release date: 03, December 2020 What is new? New checks:We have added 4 new C/Cpp checks to our already rich list of C/Cpp checks. Check the entire list of checks here. deactivated code hidden base member MISRA-C2012-1.1 MISRA-C2012-3.2 See our MISRA coverage here. Embold now supports Security checks for Java. We…

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Release date: 09, November 2020 What is new? New C++ checks added: char signedness fixed size memory operation hidden parameter Read more about C++ code issues here. MISRA check: We added to our MISRA C:2012 rules and added checks for rules 20.8. To learn more about MISRA checks coverage, please read this article.…

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Release date: 25, September 2020 What is new? Password-based authentication on GitHub, Azure, GitLab, and Bitbucket is no longer available. Read more here. Focus on what is most important! You can now filter security issues on the issues list page. 33 new code checks and 2 new security checks added for Java as we have…

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Release date: 21, August 2020 What is new? Pull Request for the cloud. For more information, check here. New Java Checks: Access Of Non-private, Non-final Field In Synchronized block Databases Should Be Password ProtectedGet more insights of Embold’s rich Java checks here.  MISRA check: We added to our MISRA C:2012 rules and…

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Release 1.8.3

Release date: 31, July 2020 What is new? Pull Request for the cloud (Beta version). For more information, check here. New C# Code Checks are: Invalid Logging Class Name Cross-site Request Forgery Token Validation Class Implements ICloneable Vulnerable Encryption Mode Weak EncryptionGet more insights of Embold’s rich C# checks here. New Java Checks:…

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Release date: 10, June 2020 What is new? C# Code Checks: We added Log Error In Catch and Use String Interpolation Instead Of String Format to our C# code checks. Get more insights of Embold’s rich C# checks here. API enhancements: Now you can get and download the scan configuration. Check out our rich API here for further information. MISRA check:…

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Release date: 12, May 2020 What is new? Coverlet coverage integration is now supported! Read more here. MSTest unit test integration is now added! Read more about this integration here. Embold API is further expanded to support code checker configuration, KPIs, and component dependencies. You can now configure your scan…

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Release 1.8.0

Release date: 07, April 2020 What is new? PDF Repository Report Enhancement: We added an Executive Summary, the Heatmap, Trends, and Duplications. How to download this report from your repository? Click here. We have extended our MISRA C:2012 rules and added deeper checks for 11.5 and 21.8. To know more about MISRA checks coverage, please read this article. Embold API: Now you can get a list of all…

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