Commit workflow

This feature is currently available only for enterprise customers. You can now use Embold to review commits made on your GitHub and Bitbucket repositories. When code is committed, Embold scans the changed files and reports Vulnerabilities, code issues and anti-patterns on Embold UI. Thus facilitating a more effective and easier…

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Embold Configuration JSON

This configuration file contains the list of issues with its associated threshold values. Parameters such as path_exclusion, issues_exclusions and so on are mentioned in this JSON file. The company organization will decide about the strictness of this JSON file. For e.g. Company can set their own rules/standards and customize this…

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Gated Commit

Overview Gated Commit is an integration pattern that means the commit does not happens until a set of checks is passed against the code. It helps the developers to avoid breaking the code and prevents bad code from going into the integration branch. This should take place before committing changes…

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Recommendation Engine (Beta)

Recommendation Engine learns from the historical issues in a code base and highlights potential issues which developers can fix before committing the code. Recommendation Engine (RE) considers committing history as well as issue tracking information to produce its suggestions. Usage of RE helps development teams proactively maintain quality. Setting up…

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URL Forwarding

In case BrowserStack Code Quality is hosted on a local/private network you may want to make BrowserStack Code Quality available to Github/Bitbucket in order to receive notifications when a pull request is created. If you cannot make BrowserStack Code Quality URL directly available to Github/Bitbucket (e.g. due to security constraints),…

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Pull Request workflow

You can now use BrowserStack Code Quality to review pull requests made on your GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab or Azure DevOps (merge requests) repositories. When a new pull request is made, BrowserStack Code Qualityautomatically scans the changed files and reports various issues on BrowserStack Code Quality UI. Thus BrowserStack Code Quality…

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