Upgrade Embold on Windows
Follow the above steps for upgrading Embold on Windows.
Following are the prerequisites for installing Code Quality on Windows: For more information, refer specifications section. Below are the pre-installation check steps: .NET Version check: PowerShell version check: Set PowerShell execution policy: Dependencies for C# language support: If the user wants C# language support for Code Quality, ensure to have: Note:
Before you upgrade Embold on Ubuntu, make sure no scans are in process and close all the browsers that are running Embold. Run the installer file. (refer installation steps). During installation, select “Reinstall / Upgrade Embold“. Select the Update option. Update is done.
Below are the steps to install standalone corona on Ubuntu. Download the installer file from your Embold Account’s section > Releases tab. There will be one file with a name similar to the following: ‘embold_ubuntu_1.8.3.0.run’. Make sure that installer file ‘embold_ubuntu_1.8.3.0.run’ has execution permission. To check the permissions of the installer…
Before you upgrade standalone corona on Ubuntu, make sure no scans are in process and close all the browsers that are running Embold. Run the installer. (refer installation steps). During installation, select “Reinstall / Update Corona”. Once upgraded logout and login from the system.
Source code of analysed repositories will not be migrated. Repositories will need to be examined but historical snapshots can be retained.
Docking Embold to a different machine or a different operating system is supported. Prerequisite Postgres CLI tools on the source and target machine. Docking Instructions The databases from the source Embold machine will have to be manually backed up into dump files. These backups will have to be restored on…
Prerequisite: Your docker ID should be enabled for our private repository to download the Embold image. Download and install the Embold Docker Image Note:If you didn’t add the current user to the docker group (sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)), you may need to run the above commands with sudo. The…
Docker engine needs to be installed on the host prior to installing the BrowserStack Code Quality Docker image. Depending on your OS, refer the following steps to setup Docker Engine. A. Docker Engine on CentOS Follow the steps listed at this link. B. Docker Engine on Ubuntu Follow the steps…
Operating system For Docker-based installation, any Linux distribution with Docker support is required. Ensure that all necessary Docker dependencies are set up before proceeding with the installation. Further information on the compatibility of Docker CE and EE can be found on the Docker help center: https://docs.docker.com/install/overview/ Hardware Memory Storage Lines of…