CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration) is the most common and impactful issue that allows developers, testers, users, project managers to find the severe and current security weak code checks.
Release date: 09, November 2020 What is new? New C++ checks added: char signedness fixed size memory operation hidden parameter Read more about C++ code issues here. MISRA check: We added to our MISRA C:2012 rules and added checks for rules 20.8. To learn more about MISRA checks coverage, please read this article.…
Deleting an account is permanent for cloud users. To delete an account, Your account will be deleted successfully!!
Let’s look at how to create a project, link repository & run a scan on Embold.
Learn to use the Embold product from the beginning by watching these videos.
Embold CEO talks about the future of static code analysis and AI.
Release date: 25, September 2020 What is new? Password-based authentication on GitHub, Azure, GitLab, and Bitbucket is no longer available. Read more here. Focus on what is most important! You can now filter security issues on the issues list page. 33 new code checks and 2 new security checks added for Java as we have…