Name: Enter a meaningful name to help you identify the LDAP directory server. Example: My Enterprise Directory, Corporate LDAP Directory etc.
Directory Type: Select the type of LDAP directory that you will connect to. If you are adding a new LDAP connection, the value you select here will determine the default values for many of the options on the rest of screen. Example: Microsoft Active Directory, OpenLDAP etc.
Hostname: The host name of your directory server. Example:, etc.
Port: The port on which your directory server is listening. Example: 389, 10389, 636 (in case, SSL enabled) etc.
Use SSL: Check this if the connection to the directory server is an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection. Note that you will need to configure an SSL certificate in order to use this setting.
Username: The distinguished name of the user that the application will use when connecting to the directory server. Example: cn=admin,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com
Password: The password of the user specified above.
Note: Connecting to an LDAP server requires that this application log in to the server with the username and password configured here. As a result, this password cannot be one-way hashed – it must be recoverable in the context of this application. The password is currently stored in the database in encrypted format. To guarantee its security, you need to ensure that other processes do not have OS-level read permissions for this application’s database or configuration files.
LDAP schema
Base DN: The root distinguished name (DN) to use when running queries against the directory server. Example: cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com
For Microsoft Active Directory, specify the base DN in the following format: dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com. You will need to replace the ad, example and com with your specific domain component configuration.
Additional User DN: This value is used in addition to the base DN when searching and loading users. If no value is supplied, the sub-tree search will start from the base DN. Example: ou=Users
Additional Group DN: This value is used in addition to the base DN when searching and loading groups. If no value is supplied, the sub-tree search will start from the base DN. Example: ou=Groups
User schema settings
User Object Class: This is the name of the class used for the LDAP user object. Example: user, person, inetOrgPerson etc.
User Object Filter: The filter to use when searching user objects. Example openLDAP: (&(objectClass=person)(|(ou:dn:=RND)(ou:dn:=HR))) Example MS AD: (&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*))
User First Name Attribute: The attribute field to use when loading the user’s first name. Example: givenName
User Last Name Attribute: The attribute field to use when loading the user’s last name. Example: sn
User Email Attribute: The attribute field to use when loading the user’s email address. This attribute is used for login into BrowserStack Code Quality. Example: mail