Rule | Description | example | kpi |
B101-assert_used | Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code. | assert logged_in display_assets() | Maintainability |
B102-exec_used | Use of exec detected. | exec("do evil") exec "do evil" | Maintainability |
B103-set_bad_file_permissions | Probable insecure usage of temp file/directory. | os.chmod('/etc/hosts', 0o777) os.chmod('/tmp/oh_hai', 0x1ff) os.chmod('/etc/passwd', stat.S_IRWXU | Maintainability |
B104-hardcoded_bind_all_interfaces | Possible binding to all interfaces. | s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 31137)) s.bind(('', 8080)) | Maintainability |
B105-hardcoded_password_string | Possible hardcoded password '(root)' | def someFunction2(password): if password == "root": print("OK, logged in") | Maintainability |
B106-hardcoded_password_funcarg | Possible hardcoded password: 'blerg' | doLogin(password="blerg") | Maintainability |
B107-hardcoded_password_default | Possible hardcoded password: 'Admin' | def someFunction(user, password="Admin"): print("Hi " + user) | Maintainability |
B108-hardcoded_tmp_directory | insecure usage of tmp file/directory | tmp_dirs: ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/dev/shm'] | Maintainability |
B110-try_except_pass | a pass in the except block | try: do_some_stuff() except Exception: pass | Maintainability |
B112-try_except_continue | a continue in the except block | while keep_going: try: do_some_stuff() except Exception: continue | Maintainability |
B201-flask_debug_true | A Flask app appears to be run with debug=True, which exposes the Werkzeug debugger and allows the execution of arbitrary code. | | Maintainability |
B501-request_with_no_cert_validation | Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue. | requests.get('', verify=True) requests.get('', verify=False)'', verify=True) | Maintainability |
B502-ssl_with_bad_version | ssl.wrap_socket call with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version identified, security issue | ssl.wrap_socket(ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ssl.wrap_socket(ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) | Maintainability |
B503-ssl_with_bad_defaults | Function definition identified with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version by default, possible security issue. | def open_ssl_socket(version=SSL.SSLv2_METHOD): pass | Maintainability |
B504-ssl_with_no_version | ssl.wrap_socket call with no SSL/TLS protocol version specified, the default SSLv23 could be insecure, possible security issue. | ssl.wrap_socket( | Maintainability |
B505-weak_cryptographic_key | DSA key sizes below 1024 bits are considered breakable. | dsa.generate_private_key(512, backends.default_backend()) rsa.generate_private_key(3, | Maintainability |
B506-yaml_load | use of yaml load | ystr = yaml.dump({‘a’ : 1, ‘b’ : 2, ‘c’ : 3}) y = yaml.load(ystr) 6 yaml.dump(y) | Maintainability |
B507-ssh_no_host_key_verification | Paramiko call with policy set to automatically trust the unknown host key. | ssh_client = client.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(client.AutoAddPolicy) ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(client.WarningPolicy) | Maintainability |
B601-paramiko_calls | Possible shell injection via Paramiko call, check inputs are properly sanitized. | paramiko.exec_command('something; really; unsafe') | Maintainability |
B602-subprocess_popen_with_shell_equals_true | subprocess call with shell=True seems safe, but may be changed in the future, consider rewriting without shell | subprocess.check_call(['/bin/ls', '-l'], shell=False) subprocess.check_call('/bin/ls -l', shell=True) | Maintainability |
B603-subprocess_without_shell_equals_true | subprocess call - check for execution of untrusted input. | subprocess.check_output(['/bin/ls', '-l']) | Maintainability |
B604-any_other_function_with_shell_equals_true | Function call with shell=True parameter identified, possible security issue. | pop('/bin/gcc --version', shell=True) Popen('/bin/gcc --version', shell=True) | Maintainability |
B605-start_process_with_a_shell | Starting a process with a shell: check for injection. | os.system('/bin/echo hi') | Maintainability |
B606-start_process_with_no_shell | Starting a process without a shell. | os.spawnv(mode, path, args) os.spawnve(mode, path, args, env) os.spawnvp(mode, file, args) | Maintainability |
B607-start_process_with_partial_path | Starting a process with a partial executable path | from subprocess import Popen as pop pop('gcc --version', shell=False) | Maintainability |
B608-hardcoded_sql_expressions | SQL injectio | query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE id = '%s'" % identifier query = "UPDATE foo SET value = 'b' WHERE id = '%s'" % identifier | Maintainability |
B609-linux_commands_wildcard_injection | Possible wildcard injection in call: subprocess.Popen | o.popen2('/bin/chmod *') subp.Popen('/bin/chown *', shell=True) | Maintainability |
B610-django_extra_used | Potential SQL injection on extra function | Maintainability | |
B611-django_rawsql_used | Potential SQL injection on RawSQL function | Maintainability | |
B701-jinja2_autoescape_false | Using jinja2 templates with autoescape=False is dangerous and can lead to XSS. Use autoescape=True to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. | templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(autoescape=False, loader=templateLoader) Environment(loader=templateLoader, load=templateLoader, autoescape=False) | Maintainability |
B702-use_of_mako_templates | Mako templates allow HTML/JS rendering by default and are inherently open to XSS attacks. Ensure variables in all templates are properly sanitized via the 'n', 'h' or 'x' flags (depending on context). | mako.template.Template("hern") template.Template("hern") | Maintainability |
B703-django_mark_safe | Potential XSS on mark_safe function | Maintainability | |
B301-blacklist_calls | pickle | Imports : pickle.loads pickle.load pickle.Unpickler cPickle.loads cPickle.load cPickle.Unpickler dill.loads dill.load dill.Unpickler shelve.DbfilenameShelf | Maintainability |
B302-blacklist_calls | marshal | Imports : marshal.load marshal.loads | Maintainability |
B303-blacklist_calls | md5 | Imports : hashlib.md5 hashlib.sha1 cryptography.hazmat.primitives .hashes.MD5 cryptography.hazmat.primitives .hashes.SHA1 | Maintainability |
B304-blacklist_calls | ciphers | Imports : cryptography.hazmat.primitives .ciphers.algorithms.ARC4 cryptography.hazmat.primitives .ciphers.algorithms.Blowfish cryptography.hazmat.primitives .ciphers.algorithms.IDEA | Maintainability |
B305-blacklist_calls | cipher_modes | Imports : cryptography.hazmat.primitives .ciphers.modes.ECB | Maintainability |
B306-blacklist_calls | mktemp_q | Imports : tempfile.mktemp | Maintainability |
B307-blacklist_calls | eval | Imports : eval | Maintainability |
B308-blacklist_calls | mark_safe | Imports : django.utils.safestring.mark_safe | Maintainability |
B309-blacklist_calls | httpsconnection | Imports : httplib.HTTPSConnection http.client.HTTPSConnection six.moves.http_client .HTTPSConnection | Maintainability |
B310-blacklist_calls | urllib_urlopen | Imports : urllib.urlopen urllib.request.urlopen urllib.urlretrieve urllib.request.urlretrieve urllib.URLopener urllib.request.URLopener urllib.FancyURLopener urllib.request.FancyURLopener urllib2.urlopen urllib2.Request six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen six.moves.urllib.request .urlretrieve six.moves.urllib.request .URLopener six.moves.urllib.request .FancyURLopener | Maintainability |
B311-blacklist_calls | random | Imports : random.random random.randrange random.randint random.choice random.uniform random.triangular | Maintainability |
B312-blacklist_calls | telnetlib | Imports : telnetlib.* | Maintainability |
B313-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_cElementTree | Imports : xml.etree.cElementTree.parse xml.etree.cElementTree.iterparse xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring xml.etree.cElementTree.XMLParser | Maintainability |
B314-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_ElementTree | Imports : xml.etree.ElementTree.parse xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser | Maintainability |
B315-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_expatreader | Imports : xml.sax.expatreader.create_parser | Maintainability |
B316-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_expatbuilder | Imports : xml.dom.expatbuilder.parse xml.dom.expatbuilder.parseString | Maintainability |
B317-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_sax | Imports : xml.sax.parse xml.sax.parseString xml.sax.make_parser | Maintainability |
B318-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_minidom | Imports : xml.dom.minidom.parse xml.dom.minidom.parseString | Maintainability |
B319-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_pulldom | Imports : xml.dom.pulldom.parse xml.dom.pulldom.parseString | Maintainability |
B320-blacklist_calls | xml_bad_etree | Imports : lxml.etree.parse lxml.etree.fromstring lxml.etree.RestrictedElement lxml.etree.GlobalParserTLS lxml.etree.getDefaultParser lxml.etree.check_docinfo | Maintainability |
B321-blacklist_calls | ftplib | Imports : ftplib.* | Maintainability |
B322-blacklist_calls | input | Imports : input | Maintainability |
B323-blacklist_calls | unverified_context | Imports : ssl._create_unverified_context | Maintainability |
B325-blacklist_calls | tempnam | Imports : os.tempnam os.tmpnam | Maintainability |
B403-blacklist_calls | pickle cPickle dill shelve | Maintainability | |
B404-blacklist_calls | subprocess | Maintainability | |
B405-blacklist_calls | xml.etree.cElementTree xml.etree.ElementTree | Maintainability | |
B406-blacklist_calls | xml.sax | Maintainability | |
B407-blacklist_calls | xml.dom.expatbuilder | Maintainability | |
B408-blacklist_calls | xml.dom.minidom | Maintainability | |
B409-blacklist_calls | xml.dom.pulldom | Maintainability | |
B410-blacklist_calls | lxml | Maintainability |